Cell phones, the greatest invention of our times ! What convenience ! A market created where there actually was none. Could anyone have believed even in the beginning of this century that such an invention could take our lives by storm?
What advertisements for connecting! With the family, with friends, with business associates, with the world, with anyone and everyone !
It is here to stay for good I guess.
If it can't be found or is misplaced then life comes to a stand still. Nothing moves. All hell breaks loose. Until you find it or get another one. Sometimes you carry two... just in case.....
The ringing. Only you can here it. Because your ears are tuned to it. A tinkling low volume sound and you run for it helter skelter.
Most often what the person sitting next to you is saying in perfectly audible tone gets above your head as there is selective aural impairment. I can hear my phone somewhere..... In the bathroom... ? I was talking there a while ago.
But of course, you can hear the tiny weeny beep of the promo message received and your soul cannot rest until you check what it is.
Connect !!!!!! with everyone cry the zoo zoos. Where is the time to connect with people at home when you are connected to the world constantly. With people at home there are always mono syllables to use. Why waste energy in talking?
Actual conversations can be cut off in the middle. But you know.... I have to connect yaar! Connect with the world yaar!
And the best thing is you pay for it.
Home connections come free. You can use them anytime.